
江上越作品「portrait of communication
他者あるいは自己でさえも、何者かと向き合った時に目のあたりにする隔たり。江上が描き出すコミュニケーションとは、お互いの距離を近づけるためではなく、その距離を知るためのものである。その間(あわい)を丁寧に見つめ、境界を確か めようとする先に、自ずと浮かび上がってくるかたち。透明感をたたえた薄塗りの画面の奥に、江上の追い求めるコミュニケーションの厚みが透けて見える。」









最近の活動として、最年少でソヴリン・アートファンデーションのアジアンアートプライズファイナリスト2019に選出、ホワイトスト―ン銀座新館での個展「君の名は?」、ドイツでの個展「In to the light...」ロンドンでの個展「Dialogue beyond 400 years」,北京での個展「This is not a Mis-hearing game」、千葉市芸術文化新人賞受賞展「対話4000年江上越個展」、大学卒業展出展作品が受賞、大学美術館に買上げ、収蔵される。
VOCA展2020 現代美術の展望─新しい平面の作家たち─
主催「VOCA展」 実行委員会/公益財団法人日本美術協会・上野の森美術館
特別協賛 第一生命保険株式会社
委員長 小勝禮子 (美術史・美術批評)
副委員長 畑中秀夫 (第一生命保険株式会社取締役常務執行役員)
光田由里 (DIC川村記念美術館学芸部マネジャー)
柳沢秀行 (大原美術館学芸課長)
水沢勉 (神奈川県立近代美術館館長)
家村珠代 (多摩美術大学教授)
泉菜々子 (第一生命保険株式会社DSR推進室課長)
坂元暁美 (上野の森美術館学芸課長)
ETSU EGAMI: VOCA2020 shown in The Ueno Royal Museum
Etsu Egami is international artist working in London, Germany, Chicago and Beijing. Based on her overseas experiences, her consistent production activities on the theme of communication have been evaluated internationaly. And she participated in VOCA exhibition shown in The Ueno Rpyal Musem on the recommendation by Megumi Hatai ,curator of Chiba City Museum of Art curator.
Etsu Egaming was born in Japan in 1994. Studying in Beijing Central Academy of fine arts and the Karlsruhe University of Arts and design in Germany, currently studying in the Central Academy of fine arts for doctor's degree. Based on her rich overseas experience, she rethinks the possibility of human communication, and explores diligently in various academic fields from linguistics to sociology, anthropology, philosophy, etc. through the origin of language, she explores human nature and reflects on the society caused by language. Each of her art "projects" has accumulated a large number of on-the-spot local surveys and literature. From a broader perspective, with the theme of communication as the main line, they have been continuously deepened and highly praised internationally. As the youngest artist shortlisted for sovereign art foundation, Asian Art Prise2019 finalsit, an outstanding Asian artist, has his works collected by Moscow Garage Musuem of Art . Recently, a solo exhibition "Etsu Egami Exhibition: your name" was held in Whitestone Gallery, Japan "In to the light... Etsu Egami solo show" (Germany), "dialogue beyond 400 years" (London), "this is not a MIS-hearing game" (Beijing deSarthe Gallery), "dialogue 4000 years - Etsu Egami solo exhibition" (prize winning projects of new artists and Culture Award of Chiba City, Japan), etc.
VOCA exhibition (Vision Of Contemporary Art) was founded in 1994, aiming to introduce new and outstanding artists to the world in the future. The exhibition invited senior curators, university professors and critics from Japan's national important art museums to recommend "unique and inevitable works, outstanding artists with international vision and strong expressive force" under 40 years old.
VOCA exhibition has great influence in Japanese art field. The recommended artists in 1994, Takashi Murakami,Nara Yoshitomo in 1997, are not only the leaders of the later Japanese art field, but also famous internationally.
Megumi Hatai wrote aboute Etsu Egami’s wrok
“Dauntless yet delicate strokes. Figurative or abstract? Animate or inanimate? Depending on the distance and angle at which this painting is viewed, its appearance, even the impression of the coloring, changes quite significantly.
Egami was born and raised in Chiba. She went on to the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing to study oil painting from an East Asian perspective. Motivated by actual experiences of mishearing due to differences in language, she continues to produce works on the theme of cognition through communication. Having portrayed others with a creativity inspired by trivial discords in her everyday life, Egami confronts her own childhood in this work.
There exists a gap we all come up against when confronting someone, be it another person or even ourselves. Egami takes communication as her subject not in an effort to bring one another closer but rather to acknowledge that fundamental distance. Through careful examination of that gap and confirmation of its border, there are also forms that surface of their own accord. Egami’s thinly painted translucent canvases allow us to plunge into the depths of the artist’s never-ending pursuit of communication.”
Please look forward to see the work of Egami Etsu at The Ueno Royoal Museum.